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How To Get A Mature Older Women Who Love Sex?
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MAGA Hat Triggers Racist White Liberal Woman Who Verbally Attacks Black Trump Supporter, Another Man Arrested For Smacking MAGA Hat & Spitting On Older Man, And More!
- The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Contagion Infects Nearly Half The Nation
(MAGA Triggered? Don't Care T-Shirt via Amazon)
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By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
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The closer we get to the 2020 presidential election, the more we are seeing yet another increase in incidents stemming from liberals triggered by seeing Trump supporters wearing "Make America Great Again" hats. It appears that fifty percent the land possesses turn out to be attacked with Trump Derangement Issue practically, when faced with points however, they possess completely no controversy additional than to verbally, and in many cases physically, strike those they differ with ideologically.
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As liberals constantly attack Trump supporters as being "racist," it is quite enlightening to see how fast their own racism comes out when they are interacting with a black Trump supporter, as we see in the first example discussed below.
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The first example comes from a black Trump supporter, David Harris Jr., who often moves out and about in open putting on a dark-colored MAGA cap. Harris possesses his very own car radio YouTube and demonstrate Route and features happen to be to the White wine Property. In a video posted to Streamable, Harris starts filming a woman that decided she had the right to confront him in an airport to inform him that "If you take that hat off it would make you look like you had a high IQ."
During the exchange, Harris tells the woman her words imply that he is stupid, before she attempts to play semantics with terminology by implying he is "ignorant" about politics. When Harris then asks her if "anyone" could have taken office and seen those statistics, she says no, before he points out that President Trump deserves some credit then, then she conveys to him he needs to "educate" himself on the topics. When Harris confronts her with facts then, low unemployment, record reduced for blacks, Women and Hispanics, she tries to propose that has been owing to the previous government first.
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What is glaringly obvious will be her tone, her insistence that he is the ignorant one, despite the fact he will be the only one specifying policies and addressing issues like the stock market and unemployment rates.
The manner to which this white liberal woman is "talking down" to Harris, highlights how racist liberals are and how they feel they have the right to tell African Americans what they should be thinking and who they should be supporting.
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During the exchange, another older bright man will be behind her up shooting Harris a thumbs, and after the exchange when she leaves, another older man and female process him getting in touch with the racist liberal girl an "idiot," and pointing out how "ignorant" she sounded.
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Now just imagine if the ideologies of the two above were reversed and it was a white conservative confronting a black liberal, implying that he was stupid, calling him ignorant on the topics and daring to inform him that if he dressed differently it would make him look like he had a "high IQ."
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CNN would be running the clip in wall-to-wall coverage as proof that Trump supporters and conservatives are racist. Other outlets, along with CNN would turn out to be searching the person down, doxxing her, confronting her on her own lawn.
Racism on the part of liberals is ignored by the establwill behment media.
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While the Harris incident occurred earlier in 2019, this one is a more recent little.
At the Hurricane Grill & Wings restaurant in Vero Beach, Florida, calendar year older man a 67, Robert Youngblood was dining with two of his friends, while wearing his Maga hat. season aged Matthias Ajple neared him 43, slapped the bill of his cap, told him "You should go back to Russia you f**king communist," spit on him before leaving the Bar and Grill then.
Youngblood had the presence of mind to note his assailant's license plate number, called the police, who took his statement and his witnesses' statements, viewed the establishments video footage the incident, and went and arrested Ajple on Electric battery costs then.
(Free-speech hating Democrats and 'big tech tyrants' want ANP silenced forever. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption.)
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Police report below:
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(Click image or this link to enlarge picture in new tab/window)
Really, how warped will a person possess to be to go walking to a perfect stranger up, yell at them and throw on the subject of them, for nothing more than they are wearing a hat you do not like.
Advice for TDS infected liberals: Triggered by a hat? Get mental health help now.
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In January 2018, 32 year old Antifa activist David Campbell followed a 56 year old Trump supporter out of a Night for Freedom party in Manhattan, organized by Independent Journalist Mike Cernovich. Year previous man and was subsequently arrested Campbell proceeding to punch and choke the 56.
In September 2019 Campbell pleaded guilty to two counts of felony assault.
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(David Campbell, Antifa member, arrested for attacking Trump supporter)
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On October 23 the "Antifa thug" was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his crimes.
An Antifa street thug was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in prison for the beatdown of a Trump supporter after a right-wing event at a Manhattan club.
David Campbell, 32, pleaded guilty in September to two counts of felony assault for pummeling a 56-year-old man as he left A Night for Freedom party organized by conservative activist Mike Cernovich.
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Manhattan prosecutors say that Campbell followed the victim from the Hells Kitchen venue Jan. 20, 2018, and punched and choked him. Campbell was one of about 80 Antifa protesters demonstrating outside the event.
Cernovich told The Post after Campbell took a plea deal, “Now that the criminal case is closed, I will end up acquiring lawful motion against Mister as well. Campbell and his confederates. It is time to find out who will be funding Antifa.”
While 18 months doesn't seem quite enough, that is what the prosecutors settled for, and perhaps seeing one of their own put into prison because of their violent antics, different Antifa thugs might think twice before attacking innocent residents for nothing at all considerably more than having distinct opinions.
Stories like those above are happening all across America, just documented on the subject of in your neighborhood while the countrywide media ignores normally, and often incites the type of verbal and physical attacks against Trump supporters we have been documenting over the last three years.
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Not all are captured on camera, and not all are usually reported to the police, NUDE OLDER WOMEN IN BED but these types of confrontations are increasing in frequency as the Trump Derangement Syndrome contagion reaches epidemic levels and has infected nearly half the country.
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Thank you and God Bless. Stefan and Susan.
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